RHEL9 RHCE Model Question & Answer

Important Configurations

Control node:
  • workstation.lab.example.com
Managed node:
  • servera.lab.example.com
  • serverb.lab.example.com
  • serverc.lab.example.com
  • serverd.lab.example.com
  1. All node root password is redhat and Ansible control node user name is student and password student.
  2. Create a directory ansible under the path/home/student and all the playbook should be under /home/student/ansible.
  3. All playbook should be owned/executed by student and Ansible managed node user name is devops.
  4. Unless advised password should be redhat for all users
  5. Ansible Automation Platform 2.2 & utility.lab.example.com Cridentials are admin, redhat

Note: In Exam, If they not given the Managed node user use the control node user as remote user